Page Speed Checker | Web Page Speed Test

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Page Speed Checker

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عن الموقع Page Speed Checker

What is web page speed?

Webpage speed is defined by in which speed the page takes to load when users clicks the link i.e the time which needs to load a webpage or else simply we can “page load time”. Webpage speed is affected by various factors of the web page such as which browser they’re using, webpage content quantity, image quality and size used in the webpage,  their internet connection type, operating system and size of the webpage.
In a webpage, not all the content displayed at the same time, every part of the content in a web page takes different amounts of time to load and display. For example if you’re visiting a webpage in which text in the top of the webpage will appear quickly compared to images or video thumbnail in the bottom of the webpage. Not only image and text, even only text in the webpage takes a  slight variation of time to load.

Fully Loaded page (FLP):  it means how long the browser takes to load a full webpage i.e the time taken by the browser to display all the content in the webpage.
Time to First Byte (TFB): It means the time the webpage needs to start the loading process. You may experience it many times when you click the website URL first it displays a white page before displaying your search results.
First Meaning/Contextual paint: Time taken by the webpage to load enough of its resources to read all the content in the page for users.

Why should you care about web page speed in SEO?

  • Web Page is the one important to attract the users, it impacts more because the way users think about your website may vary depending on your site web page speed. 
  • SEO is not only for getting more traffic it also considers how the users feel while using your website, it’s related to web page speed. Because no one can wait for more loading time on a web page they have more options for browsing the same content or buying the same product or getting service.
  • Nowadays speed matters in all things, because the main theme of  digital is speed and security, so every user visiting your website expects the same here i.e the page shouldn’t take more time to load and give the results in no time.  
  • Not all users experience the same web page speed even they are in similar site, website speed varies browser to browser,  even one webpage to another webpage of the site according to the attributes, plugins used in the website then website speed varies user to user respect to their internet connection type and speed  and their browser.
  • In SEO web page speed is the important factor to getting ranked in Search Engine Result Page, most of the search engines consider this one as an important factor for recommending your site to the users.
  • The bounce rate of the site is increased because of low webpage speed, i.e the webpage takes more time to load means automatically users jump into another webpage without wasting time.

What are the factors that affect your web page speed?

  • Webpage content: It is the one of the direct and important factors which affect the webpage speed directly. If your webpage contains more high quality images and larger file size means it takes more to load while users click your site. So you have to reduce the image size by using some image optimization technique without losing the quality and resolution of the image and file size will be minimized by using file compressor before loading into the browser.
  • Website Hosting: Choosing the correct web hosting is important for managing  good web page speed, because with proper web hosting  a domain owner can balance the website speed if the webpage meets more users at the same time. The types of web hosting are shared web hosting, virtual private server, cloud hosting and dedicated web hosting.
  • In these different web hosting, you can choose according to their audience such as which visitors are you targeting, expecting more users or less, the content you having your website because all website doesn’t contains same amount of data to load, the purpose of your website like only provides information, live updates, shopping, etc., 
  • Internet Connection speed: You can’t control this factor, but it’s also part of the webpage speed, now various speeds of internet connection are available and also different devices can be used by the users to search the web page. 
  • User browser and user location: These both also impact the webpage loading speed experience for the user because excach browser takes their own time to load a web page and user location also defines the webpage loading speed, in some places internet signal may experience some difficulties to reach them properly so it takes more time compare to normal speed.

How to improve the webpage speed?

  • Speed of the webpage is important in SEO to sustain this digital world. Most of the slow web page speed is caused by the images which are included in the page content. Reducing the image size without damaging its quality and proper resolution value have a good impact on the increased web page speed.
  • The content file size should be in smaller size without damaging its quality, there are many tools available online to compress files.
  • Next you should clean up bloated code messed up in your site file to reduce the space it will load fastly it includes HTML code, CSS code, Javascript,etc.
  • Activating the browser cache helps you while you revisit the web page, it loads faster than before, because it allows the user to store your site part of the data. 
  • Implementing a CDN(Content Delivery network) is the important thing to boost up your web page loading speed, because a CDN can easily figure out the user location and serve them with the nearest server.

How to use our Page Speed Checker tool?

Our page speed checker tool is developed by best free seo tools online, it’s one of the best websites for webmasters and SEO experts to analyze and optimize their site with our various SEO tools.
Here you need our page speed checker tool service, our tool can provide our website speed in a giffy, there is no special knowledge needed to use our tool, we have designed our tool is easily accessible even a novice can utilize our tool easily.
It has a user-friendly interface in all devices such as desktops, laptops, smartphones,etc., you can check the site speed wherever you require. It doesn’t have any limitations, you can check more web pages one by one in a day.
First you have to visit our tool by using this URL it takes you directly to our page speed checker tool, there you have to enter the URL of the webpage you need to check the speed. After that you should click the submit button to get the speed.
Finally your result will be displayed, it contains three parts in which the first part contains the URL you entered as input to check the speed and time taken to load the webpage.
Second part of the result defines the number of links connected to the particular web page such as the number of CSS links, script links, image links and other resource links connected to that web page. 
In the final part elaborate results i.e above mentioned all link type, respective URLs of those links and their loading time.