RGB to Hex Color Converter Tool

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RGB to Hex

Enter red, green and blue color levels (0-255) and press the Convert button:

Red color (R):
Green color (G):
Blue color (B):
Color preview:
Hex color code:
RGB color code:
HSL color code:

عن الموقع RGB to Hex

What is RGB and Hex color model?

RGB: The three colors Red, Green and Blue are the primary colors of light, they are added together in various ratios to form a millions of color array range from 0 to 255, it is an additive color model, the name RGB comes from the first letter of those three colors.RGB color model is highly used in digital screen technologies. Example to RGB color model is RGB(57,191,126).

Hex: Hex color code or hexadecimal color code is used to display the RGB color variations in three elements hexadecimal form each containing two alphanumeric values. Example for Hex code is #39BF7E here 39 denotes the Red color, BF denotes Green and 7E denotes blue color.

RGB to Hex color conversion:

As you seen before in RGB each color has 8 bit value ranges from 0 to 255, then total number of colors generated by using this three color combinations are calculated by 255*255*255*=16777216=100000016 Hex color model is a 6 digit alphanumeric model containing base 16 ranges according to its name 00 to FF. i.e RRGGBB= 5E432F, here first 2 string 5E represent red color,next 2 string 43 represent green color and last 2 string 2F represent Blue color. Here RGB and hex  model representation of some colors is given:

Color RGB color code Hex color code
Red (255,0,0) #FF0000
Green (0,128,0) #008000
Blue (0,0,255) #0000FF
Black (0,0,0) #000000
White (255,255,255) #FFFFFF

How to use RGB to Hex converter tool?

It's really simple and fun to create your own combination color by using three primary colors (Red, Green and Blue) colors and the main purpose of this tool is to get your desired Hex color code for RGB color for HTML color code. Following the below steps to get the code, First you have to login into the URL https://www.bestfreeseotoolsonline.com/rgb-to-hex it takes you directly to RGB to Hex converter tool, then there is option for selecting the color range for red, green and blue. You have two options to select those three color ranges, first option directly entering each color range and another one option dragging the selection bar according to respective color intensity.

Below the color selection part  you can see the color preview section there you can see a preview of your final color and finally press the convert button to this final result. The result selection has three parts: Hex color , RGB color code and HSL color code will appear where you can copy and paste it with your HTML or image editing software.

HSL color Code: HSL represents the Hue, Saturation and Lightness. Hue refers to the origin of color such as primary and secondary colors(Yellow, Orange, Red, Violet, Blue, and Green), it is measured in degree. For example (red = 45°; green = 120°; blue = 240°). Saturation defines the intensity of the image referred to in percentage i.e 100% full saturation, 0% is a shade of gray. Lightness is referred to the re;ative degree of white or black mixed with hue i.e if you add white then that color makes it lighter and if you add balck then that color makes it darker, 100% is white, 0% is black, 50% is normal range.

Where and why do you need to use our RGB to Hex converter tool?

  • RGB to Hex converter tool majorly used in Photography editing professionals because if they want to edit an image in html/css  background they need to get Hex code to represent the color of image. Actually the photograph represents the image in RGB color code so it takes the input as those three color ranges and gives output of it in Hex form to specify color in html/css code.
  • Color is vital in graphics and any visual like image or video, making different color combination is tedious work and also have important part, but you using our RGB to Hex tool you need not to go through lengthy process and you’ll get the desired color easily by dragging those three primary colors according to you need and also you have an option for preview view.
  • RGB to Hex converter is familiar among developers and designers, our tool gives exact Hexadecimal color codes value for RGB code, they are used for giving special effects in web page designing. 
  • Obviously a web page won't get attention without relevant color and making a web page colorful takes an important part in web designing, for that you need not to spend more time and don’t put manual effort , instead of that you choose our RGB to Hex converter tool you’ll get Hex code instantly.
  • Printers or other offline devices use RGB color models to represent images but web designing software uses Hex code for working in software platforms so here our RGB to Hex tool reduces your burden and makes your work hassle free.