Color Picker | HTML Color Picker | HEXA Color Picker

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Color Picker

CSS Color

Sur Color Picker

What is a color picker?

Color picker is a tool used to select the color or sometimes create various color schemes in graphics software or online,here you can customize your desired color or else use from millions of colors. Knowledge about some color parameters is indispensable for choosing the perfect color for a web page such parameters are  hue, saturation, lightness and alpha, simply known as HSLA color values. Our online color picker tool helps you in those above mentioned tricky things to make the process easier and quicker.

HSLA is the extension of HSL color value with addition of alpha, it specifies the opacity of the color in number i.e range from 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (opaque or not transparent at all). Therebefore, HSL defines the hue, saturation and lightness of color, Hue denotes the degree of color wheel ranges from 0° to 360° then saturation denotes the shade or intensity of the color, ranges from 0% full gray shade to 100% full color without gray shade and finally lightness denotes in percentage i.e it ranges from  0% full black to 100% pure white. 

HSL and HSV color models are alternate to RGB color models, computer graphics designers designed it after the 1970's to ensure more close alignment of color making attributes by its sturdy behavior towards external light change.

Why do you need to choose our color picker tool?

  • There is no need to download any software for color picking, you can use our online color picker tool any time at free of cost without occupying your device memory in the form of downloaded software.
  • Our color picker tool provides a wide range of options for making your color for your web page and graphics design.You needn't squint your eyes to find the desired color for your web page design.
  • You can get all equivalent color codes in RGB, Hex,HSL and CMYK models for the color which you pick for the design, you’ve option for adjusting or picking any specific color to make your design special by simply dragging option.
  • Web designers, digital artists, graphic designers sometimes find it difficult to deliver the exact color they have in their imagination so our tool provides you both options i.e You can use a pre designed color palette and also you can create your imaginary color by just simply dragging the color picker and also changing the parameter range.
  • Our tool supports both laptop and smartphone, it has user friendly and responsive user interface design. Compatible with Android and iOS platform.

How to use our color picker tool?

  • Searching for the perfect color for web design is difficult until you find our color picker tool, it’s really a piece of cake to select a consistent and professional look color for your web page. 
  • You have a color saving option in your device for all separate parameters and provides the compatible color codes for RGB,HSL and HEX(HEXA) color model codes.
  • Below the color palette you can see the HSV and RGB value of the selected color, where RGB is primary color values and HSV gives the Hue, Saturation and Value of the color, here value means brightness of the color.