Insira um URL
URL rewriting is one of the important processes in search engine optimization, in which lengthy dynamic URLs have been changed or rewrite by simple static one. For rewriting the URL you should know the difference between two types of website URLs, i.e static URL and dynamic URL. Both have their own advantage and advantage, you have an option to choose according to your online business requirement.
i) Static: Generally static URLs are shorter than dynamic URL because it doesn't contain any special characters like #,_,*,%,etc and also they are constant i.e it doesn't change with time. The advantage of using a static URL is, it doesn't cost you more, you can easily develop a static site and it's more affordable to host. It has some drawbacks like it requires web experts to manage and update and have the ability to provide basic information only.
ii) Dynamic: Dynamic URLs have long strings or lengthy ones compared to static URLs, because it includes special characters and it has an ability to change over time. Contrast to static, it doesn't require expertise to manage and update the site, it can be easily managed and it provides more functionalities compared to static. The important point is it allows users and site owners to exchange any information and interactive approach to get more users to the site. But in the initial stage you have to spend more on the developing process and also get hosting.
Our URL rewriting tool can turn your long dynamic URL into shorter URL by simply visit our website by using this URL it takes you directly to our tool, there you can see the space to enter the dynamic URL which you need to change then click the submit option to get static URL. Finally you'll see the static URL of the site in the result page, you can use it for your site during the SEO process.